Site Privacy Policy

Site Privacy Policy

OCEAN PINK prioritizes the protection of privacy and personal data. In alignment with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as of April 26, 2016, and applicable data protection laws in the United Kingdom, OCEAN PINK is committed to safeguarding the rights and privacy of individuals.

1. Data collected

We collect personal data transparently and explicitly. As such, OCEAN PINK collects:

  • Data relating to the identification of the persons concerned (civility, surname, first names, address, telephone number, e-mail addresses, etc.)
  • Connection data (IP address, connection logs, etc.)

2. Purposes of processing

Each processing is carried out specifically for explicit purposes and clearly referred to on the page of the Site where the data is collected. These purposes are as follows:

  • Contract management. The legal basis for this processing is the necessary execution of pre-contractual or contractual measures to which the person(s) concerned are parties (article 1.b of Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016).
  • Keeping the general accounts and the auxiliary accounts that may be attached to it. The legal basis for this processing is compliance with a legal obligation (article 1.c of Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016).
  • Customer relationship follow-up. The legal basis for this processing is the necessary execution of pre-contractual or contractual measures to which the person(s) concerned are parties (article 6.1.b of Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016).
  • Realization of statistics. The legal basis for this processing is the pursuit of legitimate interests of the data controller (article 6.1.f of Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016).
  • Getting in touch with OCEAN PINK. The legal basis for this processing is the necessary execution of pre-contractual or contractual measures to which the person(s) concerned are parties (article 1.b of Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016).

OCEAN PINK reserves the right to create additional and/or complementary means of collection. As such, OCEAN PINK will specify, in accordance with the regulations, the purposes specific to the processing concerned on the data collection page.

3. Data recipients

The recipients of the data are of several orders:

  • Authorized OCEAN PINK staff
  • The OCEAN PINK data host
  • OCEAN PINK’s subcontractors and institutional partners
  • If necessary, the organizations, the legal assistants and the ministerial officers in the event of recovery of debts

These categories of recipients are supplemented by the competent administrative and judicial authorities as well as, where applicable, categories of recipients specific to each processing operation and expressly referred to in the notices displayed on the data collection page.
The transmission of personal data to recipients (regardless of their legal nature, subcontractor, data controller or simple recipient) is carried out in a secure manner and pursuant to an agreement between OCEAN PINK and each recipient. OCEAN PINK undertakes that each recipient is aware of the guiding principles for the protection of personal data and is subject to them in application of the law and/or a specific contract.

4. Data transfer

The data collected on the Site may be processed outside the European Union. If this is the case, OCEAN PINK will take all necessary measures with its subcontractors and partners to guarantee a level of protection of the data collected in accordance with the applicable regulations.
If the subcontractors and partners concerned are not located in a country with legislation considered to offer adequate protection, they will then have previously signed the “standard contractual clauses” of the European Commission or will be subject to binding internal rules. approved by the competent authorities.


5. Data retention

OCEAN PINK takes care to store your personal data either within the European Union, or in a country that guarantees a level of protection adequate to the level of legal protection provided by European Union law, or by signing with the subcontractor hosting your personal data the standard clauses of the European Commission.
As such, OCEAN PINK has taken all the guarantees in terms of compliance with the regulations. Your personal data is thus kept by OCEAN PINK in a secure manner, in accordance with the applicable regulations, for a period not exceeding that necessary with regard to the purposes for which they are processed and in no case exceeding the limitation periods provided for by applicable law.

6. Your rights

You have the following rights:

  • right of access to your personal data;
  • right to rectification of your personal data if they are inaccurate or incomplete;
  • right of limitation under the conditions referred to in Article 18 of Regulation 2016/679 of April 26, 2016;
  • right to erasure of your personal data if:
  • they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
  • you withdraw your consent with regard to processing subject to consent (e.g. commercial prospecting);
  • you validly object to the processing;
  • they have been unlawfully processed; or a law requires it.
  • right of opposition for legitimate reasons,
  • right to the portability of your data,
  • right to define directives relating to the fate of your personal data after your death and,
  • for processing based on consent, to withdraw your consent at any time

To exercise one or more of these rights, you must provide proof of identity and contact the person in charge of data protection at OCEAN PINK, whose contact details are as follows:

7. Contact details

If you have any inquiries, complaints or any further questions about the use of your personal data please feel free to reach out to UMAY at

8. Data Protection Declaration
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and other applicable data protection laws in the United Kingdom, this website is committed to upholding the principles of data privacy and protection. We prioritize the secure and lawful processing of personal information to ensure the privacy rights of our users.
Please note that this website has [been/has not been] formally registered with the relevant data protection authorities in the United Kingdom.-check this one-
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us at


This policy applies to cookies and other technological systems present on the digital services published by OCEAN PINK and accessible by any User via their television, computer, tablet, smartphone or any other terminal.
In accordance with the applicable legal provisions, and in particular with deliberation no. 2020-091 of September 17, 2020 adopting guidelines relating to the application of article 82 of the law of January 6, 1978 as amended to read or write operations in a user’s terminal, this policy constitutes an informative document intended for Users and in no way presumes the consent of Users.
The User is informed that, during his visits to the Site, a cookie may be installed on his navigation software. The cookie is a block of data that does not identify Users but is used to record information relating to their browsing on the Site.
Cookies are secure, they can only store information that is made available by the browser, information that the User has previously entered into the browser or that is included in page requests.
Only cookies whose exclusive purpose is to allow or facilitate communication by electronic means or which are strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service at the express request of the User will be automatically stored or registered in the terminal equipment. of the User.
Conversely, for all other types of cookies, the User is able to give their consent independently and specifically through the settings console accessible on the Site.

There are different types of cookies with different uses and content, temporary and persistent:
  • Temporary cookies contain information that is used within your browsing session. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Nothing is stored on your terminal once your navigation is finished.
  • Persistent cookies are used to store information that is used between This data allows the sites to recognize that you are a recurring User, and adapt accordingly. Persistent cookies have a long-term value which is defined by the Site, and which can vary from a few minutes to several years.

1. Cookies used
Depending on the URLs and pages of the Site, there may be different types of cookies:
These cookies allow the site to function optimally. If you block these cookies, access to the services offered by the Site cannot be guaranteed, nor can the proper functioning of the Site. You can still oppose and delete them using your browser settings.
Audience measurement cookies establish statistics on the number of visits and the use of our services. Statistics of attendance, content and pages displayed, advertisements on our spaces may thus be collected. These statistics make it possible in particular to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services and to monitor the billings of third-party advertisers on our services, in particular by counting the total number of advertisements displayed. Disabling them prevents us from tracking and improving the quality of our services.
These cookies can be configured in the settings console.
Cookie files may be placed on your terminal by social networking sites allowing the sharing of content from our services. These social network sites are materialized on our services by buttons that allow these social networks to identify you during your navigation on our services or to share the content of our services that you wish to share.
For more information on these applications and the purposes of use, we invite you to consult the privacy policies specific to each of these social network sites.
These cookies can be configured in the settings console.
The information specific to each cookie used on the Site (name, object, retention period of the cookie and identity of the person(s) responsible for processing read or write operations) is detailed in the settings console and is provided to all users. Users prior to any consent.
Cookies are intended to be kept for a variable period of up to 13 months, and may be read and used by OCEAN PINK during a subsequent visit to the Site.
2. Disabling and deleting cookies
In accordance with the legal provisions in force, any User has the right to withdraw their consent to the deposit of cookies on their terminal. He therefore has the possibility of deactivating the cookies used on the Site.
You are thus able to deactivate the deposit of cookies at any time using the settings console available on the Site.
All web browsers also allow you to limit the behavior of cookies or disable them in the browser settings or options. The steps to follow are different for each browser, you can find instructions in the “Help” menu of your respective browser.
Thanks to your browser, you can also consult the cookies present on your terminal, and delete them one by one or all at once.
Cookies are text files so you can open them and read the content. The data contained inside is often encrypted and corresponds to a web session so that it only makes sense for the website that wrote it.
The User is informed that the deactivation or refusal of all cookies may degrade the use of the Site and impact certain features of the Site.
Given the operation of OCEAN PINK’s tools and services and in accordance with the EDPB Guidelines of September 2
2020, the Parties have determined the positions of the Parties as follows.

 Processing #1  
Purpose(s) of ProcessingContact  
Data ControllerOcean Pink  
Nature of the operations carried out on the Personal DataCollection  
Types of Personal Data processedFirst name/Email/Telephone  
Categories of Data SubjectsPersons wishing to contact OceanPink  
Duration of processingOne-time processing  
Place of ProcessingWeb Servers / France
Subcontractor of the Service Provider specifically involved in the processingOVH

Unless otherwise expressly specified in this DPA, the terms “Regulatory Authority”, “Personal Data”, “Data Subjects”, “Binding Corporate Rules”, “Controller”, “Processor”, “Processing” and “Personal Data Breach” will have, in this DPA, the definitions provided by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter the “GDPR”).
In addition, the term Laws and regulations applicable to the protection of personal data will have, in this DPA, the following definition: “laws, regulations and other national and European standards, applicable to the processing of personal data implemented works under the Contract(s), including in particular the GDPR and French law adopted in addition to or in application of the provisions of the GDPR, as well as, where applicable, the European regulations applicable to the processing of electronic communications data , the use of tracking technologies such as cookies and direct marketing (“e-Privacy” rules). The laws and regulations applicable to the protection of personal data are interpreted by the CNIL and the EDPB. »

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