Safe places refer to warm, welcoming, well-lit and busy venues. They share our social and community values.
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Safe Places across France
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Be Superheroes, turn your venue into a Safe Place!
By joining UMAY partners network, you help create a safe and secure neighbourhood and community. Please leave your contact details and we will be in touch to ensure your organisation meets our criteria and take you through your role as a Safe Place.
Join UMAY and support the fight against street harassment, unlocking safer and more secure travels for local citizens.
Our app spots risk areas where harassment and violence occurred, and shares real-time anonymised data with local governments partners, plotted on dynamic maps
Through years of experience and working with our network of Safe Places, we have developed a unique training approach to help your staff assist people feeling unsafe, vulnerable, or threatened.
Our trainings are designed to give all staff the ability to help customers who may be in a situation that makes them vulnerable or unsafe. The training explores how to identify vulnerability, and appropriate behaviours and interventions.
Contact us for any training-related information or query.
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